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1、刘毅,男,198910月生,副教授(校聘),硕士研究生导师,陕西省腐蚀学会会员。20166月毕业于西北工业大学材料学院,获工学博士学位。现主要从事功能复合陶瓷、特种涂层材料方面的研究。近年来,在国际期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇,其中以第一作者(兼通讯作者)发表论文20篇,申请国家发明专利8项,授权6项,担任《Ceramics International》、《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Journal of Materials Chemistry C》等多种国际期刊审稿人。目前,主持陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目、陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目、西安市科技计划项目、陕西省教育厅自然专项等项目8项,指导并完成国家级大学生创新创业指导训练项目1项,获2017年西安工程大学青年教师讲课比赛三等奖

2、徐洁,博士,20087月毕业于西北工业大学材料学院,获博士学位,主要从事功能材料方面的研究。近年来以第一作者发表论文11篇,其中被SCI检索4篇,EI检索7篇。主持教育厅项目 1 项,西安工程大学基金 2 项,获陕西高等学校科学技术奖3 项。并以主要参与人参与国家级省级科研项目。

3、巫云龙,男,校聘副教授,2013~2018年在西北大学化学与材料科学学院攻读博士学位,20187月就职于西安工程大学材料工程院,主要从事多孔无机晶态功能材料、纳米多孔复合材料的设计、合成及性能研究。在PMOFs及其复合材料的设计构筑及性能研究方面取得了系列创新性成果。以第一作者在国内外知名学术期刊ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, Inorg. Chem., Crystal Growth & Design, Dalton.Trans., CrystEngComm, RSC Adv., J. Solid. State. Chem.上发表SCI论文11(本学科Top期刊6),申请国家发明专利1项。


5、袁晓云,女,19875月生,汉族,中共党员,校聘副教授;20107月毕业于东北大学材料成型及控制工程专业,获学士学位;同年考入东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室硕士研究生,20127月毕业,获硕士学位;20129月至20177月,在东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室攻读博士学位,并完成东北大学优秀博士学位论文培育项目。20177月至今,就职于西安工程大学材料工程学院;在国内外重要学术期刊和会议上发表论文十余篇,其中以第1作者在《Journal   of Materials Processing Technology》、《Journal   of Materials Science & Technology》、和《金属学报》等SCI杂志上发表论文6篇。


7、卢琳琳,女,198512月出生,汉族,中共党员。20196月毕业于西北工业大学,获工学博士学位,毕业后进入西安工程大学材料工程学院任职,目前主要从事薄膜材料相关的研究,在功能薄膜材料的制备及性能研究方面具有丰富的理论基础和经验积累。近年来,以第一作者和通讯作者发表学术论文 7 篇,其中 SCI 收录 5篇。


1、 陕西省特支计划-青年拔尖人才项目,2018.01-2022.12150万元

2、 高精度纳米级贱金属导电浆料产业化项目,大连市科创工程科技人才创业入围项目,1000万元,2017.12-2020.12

3、 紫外光固化银包铜导电胶的开发研究,西安市科技局,2018.06-2020.066万元

4、 多孔氮化硅陶瓷的制备及性能研究,陕西省教育厅,2009.7-2011.42万。

5、 垃圾热解气化炉耐火材料的研究项目, 西安乐景达环境有限公司, 2018.3-2019.730万 。

6、 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,2019JQ-853,核壳型磁性Ti3SiC2微波吸收剂的电磁参数温度响应机制研究,2019.01-2020.12

7、 西安市科技计划项目,2019217114GXRC007CG008-GXYD7.6,基于-Ag@Ti3SiC2电磁屏蔽涂料的制备及性能研究,2019.06-2021.06

8、 陕西省教育厅自然专项,类石墨烯磁性二维Mxene微波吸收剂的制备及高温电磁参数耦合机制研究,2020.01-2021.12

9、 江苏省双创计划项目,玻璃纤维增强树脂基电磁屏蔽复合材料的研究,2020.01-2022.12

10、 中国纺织工业联合会科技指导性项目,2019045,纺织品用电磁屏蔽涂料的制备及性能研究,2020.01-2021.12

11、 陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目,20170521,双损耗型树脂吸波涂层电磁参数的调控机理研究,2018.01-2019.12

12、 陕西省教育厅自然专项,No.18JK0353,双损耗型吸波涂层电磁参数及吸波性能优化研究,2018.01-2019.12

13、 西安工程大学博士科研启动基金,BS1615,双损耗Ti3SiC2/NiFe复合吸收剂的制备及电磁吸波性能研究,2016.07-2019.07

14、 西安工程大学博士科研启动基金,纳米多孔Pd/稀土氧化物制备及电催化性能研究,2018/07-2021/07

15、 陕西省教育厅自然专项,三维纳米多孔PdAg合金支撑结构表面原位生长CeO2的一步法构筑及电催化性能研究 (项目编号:19JK0365)2019/01-2020/12

16、 陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划:还原法制备 AuNPs@多孔/笼基 MOFs 复合材料及催化CO2 转化的研究(20190608;

17、 陕西省教育厅自然专项,激光3D打印Zr基大块非晶复合材料的晶化行为及增韧机理,2020.01-2021.12;

18、 西安工程大学博士科研启动基金,TiNx多层薄膜光学性能的研究,2019/07-2022/07

19、 陕西省教育厅自然专项,柔性织物基TiNxOy薄膜的制备及其光学性能的研究,2020/01-2021/12


1. Yun-Long Wu, href="#!" Yang-TianYan, Ti-Sha Liang, Huan-Huan Liang, Guoping Yang, href="#!" Xiao-Lei Su, Xin-Hai He, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Yao-Yu Wang, J. Solid State Chem., DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2020.121258.

2. Dielectric Properties of Porous ReactionBonded Silicon Nitride with Different AdditivesJie XuFa Luo and Zhou WanchengJournal of Electronic Materials, DOI :10.1007/s11664-019-07462-6

3. Experimental and Simulated Analysis of Failure Mechanism of 0Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb Stainless Steel BladeJie Xu, Lei Zhang, Yanlong Wang and Weiwei Gu, Journal of Failure Analysis and PreventionDOI :10.1007/s11668-019-00758-z

4. Jing Zhang, Xiaolei Su*,, Lei Shan, Yi Liu, Peng Zhang, Yan Jia, Preparation and   tribocorrosion performance of CrCN coatings in artificial seawater on   different substrates with different bias voltages, Ceramics International, 2019,   25(8):9901-9911 (SCIEI)

5. Xiaolei Su*, Ning Jing, Jia   Yan, Liu Yi, Flower-like MoS2 Nanospheres: A Promising Material with Good   Microware Absorption Property in the Frequency Range of 8.2-12.4 GHz, Nano,   13(7): 1850084 (SCI

6. Xiaolei Su*, Du Wang, Qiang   Yan, Xuezhong Guo, Shaofeng Fang, Yi Liu, Preparation, microstructure,   electromagnetic property and microwave absorption property of MoS2   nanopowder by hydrothermal method at various reaction temperature, Journal of   Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, 29(5):4020-4029 (SCI)

7. Xiaolei Su*, Jing Zhang, Yan   Jia, Yi Liu, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Preparation and microwave absorption   property of nano onion-like carbon in the frequency range of 8.2-12.4 GHz,   Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 695: 1420-1425 (SCI)

8. X. Su*, F. Luo, K. Zhao, Y.   Jia, J. Wang, J. Xu, X. He, Y. Qu, C. Fu, S. Liu, L. Ma, Preparation,   microstructure and electromagnetic property of SnO2 powder by   co-precipitation method at different calcined temperature, Materials   Technology, 2015, 30: 218-222 (SCI)

9. Su   Xiaolei*, Jia Yan, Liu Xiaoqin, Wang   Junbo, Xu Jie, He Xinhai, Fu Chong, Liu Songtao, Preparation, Infrared   Emissivity, and Dielectric and Microwave Absorption Properties of Fe-Doped   ZnO Powder, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2014, 43:3942-3948 (SCI)

10. Xiaolei   Su*, Fa Luo, Yan Jia, Junbo Wang,   Jie Xu, Xinhai He, Chong Fu, Songtao Liu, Preparation and electromagnetic   property of Al-doped SnO2 powders by coprecipitation method in the   GHz range, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 2014,   25:5101-5106 (SCI)

11. Xiaolei   Su*, Yan Jia, Xiaoqin Liu, Junbo   Wang, Jie Xu, Xinhai He, Chong Fu, Songtao Liu, Preparation, dielectric   property and infrared emissivity of Fe-doped ZnO powder by coprecipitation   method at various reaction time, Ceramics International, 2014, 40:5307-5311 (SCI)

12. X.   L. Su*, Y. Jia, J. B. Wang, J. Xu,   X. H. He, C. Fu, S. T. Liu, Preparation, dielectric property and microwave   absorption property of Cu doped SiC nanopowder by combustion synthesis,   Advances in Applied Ceramics, 2014, 113(5): 262-266 (SCI)

13. Xiaolei   Su*, Yongsheng Tan, Yan Jia, Kaili Zhao,   Junbo Wang, Jie Xu, Xinhai He, Chong Fu, Songtao Liu, Effect of reaction time   on microstructure, dielectric property and microwave absorption property of   Cu-doped SiC nanopowder, Nano, 2014, 9(2):1450022 (SCI)

14. Xiaolei   Su*, Wancheng Zhou, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang,   Xinhai He, Chong Fu, Preparation and Dielectric Property of B and N-codoped   SiC Powder by Combustion Synthesis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013,   551:343-347 (SCI)

15. Xiaolei   Su*, Yan Jia, Junbo Wang, Jie Xu, Xinhai   He, Chong Fu, Songtao Liu, Preparation and microwave absorption properties of   Fe-doped SiC powder obtained by combustion synthesis, Ceramics International,   2013, 39: 3651-3656 (SCI)

16. Xiaolei   Su*, Yan Jia, Junbo Wang, Jie Xu, Xinhai   He, Chong Fu, Songtao Liu, Combustion synthesis and microwave absorption property   of SiC(Fe) solid solution powder under different reaction time, Journal of   Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2013, 24: 1905-1912 (SCI)

17. Xiaolei   Su*, Xiaoqin Liu, Yan Jia, Junbo Wang,   Jie Xu, Xinhai He, Chong Fu, Songtao Liu, Jing Zheng, Effect of synthesized   temperature on microstructure, infrared emissivity and dielectric property of   Fe-doped ZnO powder, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,   2013, 24: 4974-4979 (SCI)

18. Su   Xiaolei*, Zhou Wancheng, Xu Jie, Wang   Junbo, He Xinhai, Fu Chong, Li Zhimin,  Preparation and Dielectric   Property of Al and N Co-Doped SiC Powder by Combustion Synthesis, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2012,   95(4): 1388-1393 (SCI)

19. Su   Xiaolei*, Zhou Wancheng, Xu Jie, Wang   Junbo, He Xinhai, Fu Chong,  Preparation and dielectric property of B   and N-codoped SiC powder by combustion synthesis, Journal of Alloys and   Compounds, 2012, 551: 343-347 (SCI)

20. Yi Liu*, Xiaolei Su, Xinhai He, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Yinhu Qu, Chong Fu, Yanlong Wang. Influence of carbothermic reduction temperature on electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of double loss Ti3SiC2/Co3Fe7 powders. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 779: 286-292.SCI

21. Yi Liu*, Chen Ji, Xiaolei Su, Jie Xu, Xinhai He, Electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of Ti3SiC2 powders decorated with Ag particles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 153154. SCI

22. Yi Liu*, Xiaolei Su, Xinhai He, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Yinhu Qu, Chong Fu, Yanlong Wang. Dielectric and microwave absorption properties of ZrB2/Al2O3 composite ceramics. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2019, 30:2630-2637. SCI

23. Yi Liu*, Yang Xu, Xiaolei Su, Xinhai He, Jie Xu, Yinhu Qu, Junbo Wang. Investigation on mechanism and microwave absorption properties of Ti3SiC2/nano-Cu powders. Applied Physics A (2019) 125:72. SCI

24. Yi Liu*, Xiaolei Su, Fa Luo, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Xinhai He, Yinhu Qu. Enhanced Electromagnetic and Microwave Absorption Properties of Hybrid Ti3SiC2/BaFe12O19 Powders. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2019, 48: 2364-2372. SCI

25. Yi Liu*, Xiaolei Su, Fa Luo, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Xinhai He, Yinhu Qu. Facile synthesis and microwave absorption properties of double loss Ti3SiC2/Co3Fe7 powders, Ceramics International, 2018, 44: 1995-2001. SCI

26. Yi Liu*, Xiaoyan Jian, Xiaolei Su, Fa Luo, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Xinhai He, Yinhu Qu. Electromagnetic interference shielding and absorption properties of Ti3SiC2/nano Cu/epoxy resin coating, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 740: 68-76. SCI

27. Yi Liu*, Xiaolei Su, Fa Luo, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Xinhai He, Yinhu Qu. Enhanced electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of carbonyl iron/Ti3SiC2/epoxy resin coating, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, 29: 2500-2508. SCI

28. Yi Liu*, Yunyu Li, Fa Luo, Xiaolei Su, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Yinhu Qu, Yimin Shi. Mechanical, dielectric and microwave absorption properties of TiC/cordierite composite ceramics, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017, 28:12115-12121. SCI

29. Yi Liu*, Jiajia Si, Yunyu Li, Fa Luo, Xiaolei Su, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Xinhai He, Yimin Shi. Electromagnetic and Microwave Absorption Properties of Hybrid FeCrAl/Ti3SiC2 Composite in X-Band, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2017, 46: 4981-4988. SCI

30. Yi Liu*, Yunyu Li, Fa Luo, Xiaolei Su, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Xinhai He, Yinhu Qu. Electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of SiO2-coated Ti3SiC2 powders with higher oxidation resistance, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 715: 21-28. SCI

31. Yi Liu*, Yunyu Li, Fa Luo, Xiaolei Su, Jie Xu, Junbo Wang, Xinhai He, Yimin Shi. Electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of flaky FeCrAl particles, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017, 28: 6619-6627. SCI

32. Y. Liu*, F. Luo, Y. Wang, J.B. Su, W.C. Zhou, D.M. Zhu, L. Zhou. Influence of oxidation on the dielectric and microwave absorption properties of the milled Ti3SiC2 powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 644: 404-410. (SCI

33. Y. Liu*, F. Luo, J.B. Su, W.C. Zhou, D.M. Zhu. Dielectric and microwave absorption properties of Ti3SiC2/cordierite composite ceramics oxidized at high temperature, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 632: 623-628. (SCI

34. Y. Liu*, F. Luo, Y. Wang, J.B. Su, W.C. Zhou, D.M. Zhu. Influences of milling on the dielectric and microwave absorption properties of Ti3SiC2/cordierite composite ceramics; Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 629: 208-213. (SCI

35. Y. Liu*, F. Luo, J.B. Su, W.C. Zhou, D.M. Zhu, Z.M. Li. Enhanced mechanical, dielectric and microwave absorption properties of cordierite based ceramics by adding Ti3SiC2 powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 619: 854-860. SCI

36. Y. Liu*, F. Luo, J.B. Su, W.C. Zhou, D.M. Zhu. Mechanical, Dielectric, and Microwave-Absorption Properties of Alumina Ceramic Containing Dispersed Ti3SiC2, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2015, 44: 867-873. SCI

37. Y. Liu*, F. Luo, Y. Wang, J.B. Su, W.C. Zhou, D.M. Zhu. Enhanced mechanical, dielectric,and microwave absorption properties of ZnO/ZrSiO4 composite ceramics by adding Al2O3 powders, Physica. Status Solidi A, 2014, 211: 2574-2579. (SCI

38. Y. Liu*, F. Luo, J.B. Su, W.C. Zhou, D.M. Zhu. Electromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of the Nickel/Ti3SiC2 hybrid powders in X-band, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2014, 365: 126-131. (SCI

39. Y. Liu*, F. Luo, W.C. Zhou, D.M. Zhu. Dielectric and microwave absorption properties of Ti3SiC2 powders, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 576: 43-47. SCI

40. Yanyan Song, Zhanbo Sun, et al. Nanoporous Pd/TiO2 composites prepared by one-step dealloying and their electrocatalytic performance for methanol/ethanol oxidation. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 161: 153-161. SCI

41. Yanyan Song, Zhanbo Sun, et al. Electrocatalytic performance for methanol oxidation on nanoporous Pd/NiO composites prepared by one-step dealloying. Fuel, 2016,   181: 269-276. SCI

42. Yanyan Song, Jiadong Zuo, Xiaolong Zhang, Zhanbo Sun, Sen Yang. Facile synthesis of 3D nanoporous Pd/Co2O3 composites with enhanced catalytic performance for methanol oxidation. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of   China, 2017, No. TNMSC-2016-1273. SCI

43. Yanyan Song, Jiadong Zuo, Dong Duan, Wenyu Shi, Zhanbo Sun. Promotion effect of ZrO2 on mesoporous Pd via one-step dealloying method for methanol oxidation.   Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164(13): F1495-F1505. SCI

44. Yanyan Song, Yuyang He, et al. Effect of Ba2+ on the luminescence properties of YVO4:Dy3+ phosphor. Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2011, 40(1): 176-180. SCI

45. Yun-Long Wu, Guo-Ping Yang, Shan Cheng, Jinjie Qian, Yao-Yu Wang, Facile Incorporation of Au Nanoparticles into an Unusual Two-Fold Entangled Zn(II)-MOF with Nano-Cages for Highly Efficient CO2 Fixation under the Mild Conditions, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 50, 47437-47445. (SCI

46. Yunlong Wu, Shan Cheng, Jiao Liu, Guo-Ping Yang, Yao-Yu Wang. New porous Co(II)-based metal-organic framework including 1D ferromagnetic chains with highly slective gas adsorption and slow magnetic relaxation, J. Solid State Chem., 2019, 276, 226-231. (SCI

47. Yunlong Wu, Guo-Ping Yang, Yanqing Zhao, Wei-Ping Wu, Bo Liu and Yao-Yu Wang. Three new solvent-directed Cd(II)-based MOFs with unique luminescent properties and highly selective sensors for Cu2+ cations and nitrobenzene, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 3271-3277. (SCI

48. Yun-Long Wu, Jinjie Qian, Guo-Ping Yang, Fan Yang, Yu-Tong Liang, Wen-Yan Zhang, and Yao-Yu Wang. High CO2 Uptake Capacity and Selectivity in a Fascinating Nanotube-Based Metal-Organic Framework, Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 908-913. (SCI

49. Yun-Long Wu, Fu-Sheng Guo, Guo-Ping Yang, Lu Wang, Jun-Cheng Jin, Xiang Zhou, Wen-Yan Zhang, and Yao-Yu Wang. Two Isostructural Metal-Organic Frameworks Directed by the Different Center Metal Ions, Exhibiting the Ferrimagnetic Behavior and Slow Magnetic Relaxation, Inorg. Chem., 2016, 55, 6592-6596. (SCI

50. Yunlong Wu, Guo-Ping Yang, Xiang Zhou, Jiang Li, Yan Ning and Yao-Yu Wang. Three new luminescent Cd(II)-MOFs by regulating the tetracarboxylate and auxiliary co-ligands displaying high sensitivity for Fe3+ in aqueous solution, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 10385-10391. (SCI

51. Yun-Long Wu, Fan Yang, Guo-Ping Yang, Jinjie Qian, Jing Jin, Hui-Hui Miao, Jianyong Yuan and Yao-Yu Wang. Low-Pressure Selectivity, Stepwise Gas Sorption Behaviors, and Luminescent Properties (Experimental Findings and Theoretical Correlation) of Three Zn(II)-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks, Cryst. Growth Des., 2017, 17, 3965-3973. SCI

52. Yunlong Wu, Guo-Ping Yang, Jiao Liu, Yangtian Yan, Xinjun Luan, Wen-Yan Zhang and Yao-Yu Wang. Crystal structures from 1D to 3D: triggered by the different coordination morphologies of ligands in different reaction systems, CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 5901-5909. (SCI

53. Yunlong Wu, Guo-Ping Yang, Yingdi Zhang, Nannan Shi, Jun Han and Yao-Yu Wang. A new luminescent Cd(II)-MOF as a highly selective chemical probe for Fe3+ in aqueous solution with mixed metal ions, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 90772-90777. SCI

54. Yunlong Wu, Yanqing Zhao, Guo-Ping Yang, Yanjun Guo, Yao-Yu Wang, Qi-Zhen Shi. Influence of the steric effect of flexible isomeric phenylenediacetic acids on the resultant lead(II) coordination polymers, J. Solid State Chem., 2015, 223, 131-137. SCI

55. Xiaoyun Yuan, Liqing Chen, Yang Zhao, et al. Influence of annealing temperature on mechanical properties and microstructures of a high manganese austenitic steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 217: 278-285. (SCI)

56. Xiaoyun Yuan, Yang Zhao, Xing Li, Liqing Chen. Effect of Cr on mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Fe-Mn-C-Al-Cr-N TWIP steels, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2017, 33, 1555-1560. (SCI)

57. Xiaoyun Yuan, Yantao Yao, Liqing Chen, High-temperature oxidation behavior of a high manganese austenitic steel Fe-25Mn-3Cr-3Al-0.3C-0.01N, Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters, 2014, 27(3): 401-406. (SCI)

58. Xiaoyun Yuan, Yang Zhao, Xing Li, Liqing Chen. Effects of gas nitriding temperature on the surface properties of a high manganese TWIP steel, Metals, 2017, 7(3): 102. (SCI)

59. Y. Y. Zhang, X. Lin, L.Crystallization behavior of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 amorphous alloys produced by selective laser melting of preannealed powders, journal of alloys and compounds. 2020. 819: 153013 (SCI)

60. Y. Y. Zhang, X. Lin, L. L. Wang, L. Wei, F. G. Liu and W. D. Huang. Microstructural analysis of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glasses by laser surface remelting and laser solid forming. Intermetallics. 2015, 66: 22-30 . (SCI)

61. Y. Y. Zhang, X. Lin, L. Wei, F. G. Liu and W. D. Huang. Influence of powder size on the crystallization behavior during laser solid forming Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk amorphous alloys. Intermetallics. 2016, 76: 1-9. (SCI )

62. Linlin LU, Fa Luo, Zhibin Huang, Wancheng Zhou, Dongmei Zhu. Influence of the nitrogen flow rate on the infrared emissivity of TiNx films, Infrared Physics & Technology. 2018, 88: 144-148. SCI

63. Linlin LU, Fa Luo, Yuchang Qing, Wancheng Zhou, Dongmei Zhu. Study on the electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of TiN film, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics. 2018, 29: 9052-9057. SCI

64. Linlin LU, Fa Luo, Zhibin Huang, Wancheng Zhou, Dongmei Zhu. Research on optical reflectance and infrared emissivity of TiNx films depending on sputtering pressure, Infrared Physics &Technology. 2018, 91:63-67. SCI

65. Linlin LU, Fa Luo, Yuchang Qing, Wancheng Zhou, Dongmei Zhu, Jie Dong. Effect of N2 flow rate on electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of TiNx films, Applied Physics A. 2018, 124721. SCI

66. Linlin LU, Fa Luo, Zhibin Huang, Wancheng Zhou, Dongmei Zhu. Substrate temperature effects on infrared emissivity of TiNx films, Surface Engineering. 2019, 35: 9-13. SCI

67. 张媛媛,林鑫,杨海欧,李加强,任永明. 粉末状态对激光立体成形Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5块体非晶合金晶化行为的影响. 物理学报. 2015, 64(16): 335-343. ( SCIEI , )

68. 张媛媛,林鑫,魏雷,任永明,黄卫东. 激光立体成形退火态Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5粉末的晶化行为. 金属学报. 2017, 53(7): 824-832. (SCI, EI )

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